Friday, April 27, 2007


Everything has a beginning.
A writer once said, writing the beginning is the most difficult part in creating a story.
Well, I'm not a real writer. Yet.
So, it doesn't come as a surprise that writing my first blog entry is no mission impossible.
Piece of cake, actually.
So, let me introduce myself to the world.
I am Marlon. If we get to be friends, I might permit you to call me Migs. Right now, only a few close friends call me that. You sort of have to earn it.
My greatest passion is writing.
When I was fourteen, I tried to write my own script of Beauty and the Beast after watching the Disney movie.
I never made it to the tenth sequence.
But that made me realize what i want to do for the rest of my life.
Nah! Not write Beauty and the Beast!
But to be a writer. Write my own stuff.
I've been struggling to get that much elusive break. But it's coming really soon. I can feel it.

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